Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Grampians, Victoria, Australia

Travel time : 4-5-6 April, 2015

This is more of photo blog. Just want to hold memories of the places we went to.

We started from Melbourne in morning and reached Grampians around 2 pm. With not much planned to do, we took a left turn to reach a scenic lookout named One Tree hill.
The views were good and most lovable part was silence!! Some felt it scary but I loved it. Most of the places we go are generally crowded. This one was different. It had just two other fellows sitting there and having good time.

One tree hill
Our next place to go was The Pinnacle! We had not researched about the place, just saw some good photos of it and chose to visit it.

Pinnacle base

We reached here around 5.00 PM. When inquired from information center, lady there suggested not to visit Pinnacle as it will take 2.5 hrs to complete it. But we were adamant to go up there.

From the base, further path was not visible. All we knew is that trekking there was medium difficulty level. Grand canon was one of the view point which was 0.1km from base. And for Pinnacle, we had to go 2.1 km up.
We started all together. Climbed it up for 200 mtrs, but with two families comprising of three kids, half of us decided to stay at base. Four of us, including my 2 yr old daughter, decided to climb it up.
When we started moving further, I started appreciating decision taken by my friend to stay at base with her husband and two kids. With 200 mtrs itself, i felt my bag is heavy and its difficult to carry it up there and handed it to my friend to take it back to car.

It was a complete trekking place, and we moved ahead with our jackets on and just one 600ml water bottle in hand. What a mistake!

We met some people who gave up the climb. But somehow, we were motivated seeing even kids returning from the top. Time was running fast, so we decided we will start descending at 6.30 PM from wherever we reach.

Some very steep slopes and difficult to climb rocks, we finally reached there.

The Pinnacle

More places visited in Grampians are - Balconies and McKenzie falls. Want to write more, but time isn't permitting me.